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Week 2: Synesthesia: Art Meets Music

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

This week, we did a joint meeting with Medicine and Art at UCLA.

Together, we did a synthesis activity where we demonstrated the importance of creativity and interdisciplinary skills in STEM by expressing our emotions through art while listening to music. In particular, each participant was asked to think about their favorite song and make a drawing/painting/piece of artwork related to the lyrics. Some of the questions we had our members start thinking about when they were doing their art were:

  1. What about this song sticks with you (the melody, specific lyrics, music video scene, etc)?

  2. What immediately comes to mind when you think about/listen to the song (a word, a feeling, a person, an image, etc)?

  3. If you had to describe what the song is about is one word, what would it be?

It was truly a rejuvenating and refreshing experience to relax and soak into our thoughts.

Feel free to try this activity on your own, especially whenever you feel like you need a break! It can be a great way to connect with your mind, deal with stress, or lift up your mood.

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