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Spring 2022// Week 7: Homeopathy

Writer's picture: SIMatUCLASIMatUCLA

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

SIM welcomed Dr. Jasmine Talei for our week 7 meeting! Dr. Talei is a California licensed Naturopathic Doctor who currently works out of Beverly Hills. Her practice focuses on gut health, autoimmune conditions, and environmental illnesses. When treating patients, she emphasizes a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of a condition, and she strongly believes in utilizing both allopathic medicine and

While Dr. Talei provides many services for her patients, her focus for this workshop was homeopathy. She clarified that while many forms of alternative medicine get lumped under the term homeopathy, many of those forms are not actually homeopathy. For instance, herbal medicine is not homeopathy. Homeopathy operates under the idea of “similia similibus curentur”, or “like cures like”. This theory posits that substances that cause symptoms in healthy individuals will cure those symptoms in sick individuals. For example, allium cepa (onion) would treat a patient with a runny nose and teary eyes. Though not exactly the same process, a way to understand this is philosophy is through understanding how vaccines work. Vaccines contain weakened forms of the particular virus or bacterium you are getting the vaccine for, and this protects your body from that virus or bacterium. Homeopathy is also based on the idea that the lower the dose of the actual remedial substance, the more potent it is. These remedies work by prompting the body to heal itself.

Homeopathy treatments come in the form of sugar pellets that contain a diluted concentration of the remedial substance. These substances can come from animals, herbs, and the earth. Popular remedies include sulphur, allium cepa (onion), arnica (mountain daisy), nux vomica (poison nut), and ignacia (​​St. Ignatius bean).

Homeopathc practitioners such as Dr. Talei make a big effort to learn all about their patients because that is the information that will determine which remedy to give them. Dr. Talei walked us through what a consultation with her looks like. The very first thing she does is run bloodwork and a stool test. Then she takes a considerable amount of time to get to know the patient and the unique things about them. She first has the patients describe their symptoms and asks a series of follow-up questions about them. Then she talks about their lives in general, touching on topics such as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. Based on this info, Dr. Talei picks the remedy that is most compatible with the type of patient she has. For instance, she gives nux vomica to someone who is overworked and shows signs such as irritability and light sensitivity. She emphasized that for making these decisions, it is important to understand the person outside of the condition they have.

Dr. Talei also touched on gut health, hormone imbalance, environmental illnesses, and more. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Talei, you can visit her website at or Instagram @drjasminetalei. You can also email her at and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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