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Fall 2022// Week 2: Tai Chi with Dr. KK Cheung

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

This week we had KK Cheung join us at the sculpture garden with several of her students and colleagues. KK is a professor of English and Asian American Studies at UCLA. Although she is not a certified Tai Chi instructor, she has practiced it for decades and enjoys sharing her expertise with us each year.

This year, in addition to flexibility exercises, she introduced to the Eight Brocade Routine:

  1. Two Hands Hold up the Heavens to Manage Triple Warmer (双手托天理三焦)

  2. Draw the Bow to Shoot the Eagle/Condor (左右开弓似射雕)

  3. Separate Heaven and Earth to regulate Digestive System (调理脾胃单举手)

  4. Release 5 physical and 7 psychic strains by Looking back (五劳七伤往后瞧)

  5. Sway the Head and Shake the Tail to Rid Heart Fire (摇头摆尾去心火)

  6. Reach down to the Feet to Strengthen Kidneys and Waist (两手攀足固肾腰)

  7. Clench the Fists and Stare to boost energy (攢拳怒目增气力)

  8. Bounce on the Toes to Rid Myriad Ailments (背后起颠百病消)

The Eight Brocades Routine is a Tai-chi/ Qigong routine that’s relatively easy and fun to learn. Many practice videos that are easy to follow through can be found online such as:

KK first led us through warm up exercises that emphasized the importance of posture. She focused on the importance of straightening the lower back and maintaining this posture throughout each exercise. As with anything, foundation is important. She then led us through each of the Eight Brocade Routines, practicing each move several times. She explained that these exercises stimulate the flow of Qi through the meridians and help to improve strength and flexibility. This Tai Chi workshop was a wonderful way to practice mindfulness and healing, especially with the stress of school work piling on!

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