During Week 8, we had Brian Kukan present to us about Jikiden Reiki, or Traditional Japanese Reiki.
What is Reiki?
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.
In 2016, Brian began studying Jikiden Reiki with world-renowned Reiki Researcher and author Frank Arjava Petter, and in 2019 he was initiated as a Shihankaku (she haan caa coo) or Assistant Teacher with the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Jikiden Reiki Research Institute) based in Kyoto, Japan. He has worked extensively with cancer patients since 2013 when he started working with weSPARK Cancer Support Community in Sherman Oaks and Tower Cancer Research Foundation in Beverly Hills, and he has his own healing room in North Hollywood where he sees clients and teaches classes. At the workshop, Brain taught us the history of Traditional Japanese Reiki and how it spread to other parts of the world. He shared with us his story of how he came across reiki and how he currently uses it in his own home, with his family and friends. He ended our session by leading us in a practice of Reiki with our hands that took concentration and mindfulness.
If you are interested in learning more about Reiki or Brian’s work, please visit www.KukanReiki.com. Brian was also kind enough to offer a 50% off coupon to anyone affiliated with UCLA with the code UCLASIM for in-person or distant Reiki treatment.